P. 61

Unit 3: Research Design

               (b)  To find  out the consumer reaction  regarding use  of new  detergents which  are  Notes
               (c)  To identify the target market demographics, for a shopping mall.

               (d)  Estimate the sales potential for ready-to-eat food in the northeastern parts of India.
          3.   In your analysis, what are the advantages and disadvantages of panel data?
          4.   What do you see as the reason behind Latin Square Design testing only one variable?
          5.   Do you see any benefit of factorial design over that of before-after design? Support your
               answer with reasons.
          6.   Is it necessary for the researcher to mention about the  bibliographies and appendices?
               Why/why not?
          7.   Illustrate advantages of experience survey by the help of examples.
          8.   Why is an exploratory research used in the initial stages of research?
          9.   Which type of research would you use to generate new product ideas and why?

          10.  Which type of research study would you use to determine the characteristics of market?

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Exploratory                       2.  analyzing
          3.   broad, small, precise             4.  flexible,  versatile
          5.   investigated                      6.  focus

          7.   participant                       8.  unresponsive
          9.   Longitudinal                      10.  'Time Series Study'
          11.  repeat                            12.  cost, time
          13..  Descriptive                      14.  exploratory
          15.  Causal                            16.  potentiality

          17.  examine                           18.  Test units
          19.  Factorial

          3.10 Further Readings

           Books      Cooper and Schinder, Business Research Methods, TMH.
                      CR Kotari, Research Methodology, Vishwa Prakashan.

                      David Luck and Ronald Rubin, Marketing Research, PHI.
                      Naresh Amphora, Marketing Research, Pearson Education.
                      S. N. Murthy and U. Bhojanna, Business Research Methods, Excel Books.
                      William MC Trochim, Research Methods, Biztantra.

                      William Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson.

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