P. 7

Contemporary Accounting

                    Notes          statements. World over, professional bodies of accountants have the authority and the obligation
                                   to prescribe “Accounting Standards”. International Accounting Standards (IASs) are pronounced
                                   by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). The IASC was set up in 1973, with
                                   headquarters in London (UK).
                                   In India, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had established in 1977 the
                                   Accounting Standards Board (ASB). The composition of ASB includes (i) elected (ii) ex-officio
                                   and (iii) co-opted members of the Institute, nominees of RBI, FICCI, Assocham, ICSI, ICWAI and
                                   special invitees from UGC, ICWAI, and SEBI, IDBI and IIM.
                                   ASB is entrusted with the responsibility of formulating standards on significant accounting
                                   matters, keeping in view (a) international developments as also (b) legal requirements in India.
                                   According to the preface to the Statement on Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI, Accounting
                                   Standards will be issued by the ASB constituted for the purpose of harmonising the different and
                                   diverse accounting policies and practices in use in India and propagating the Accounting Standards
                                   and persuading the concerned enterprise to adopt them in the preparation and presentation of
                                   financial statement.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  Accounting standard is an authoritative pronouncement of code of practice of the regulatory
                                       accountancy body to be observed and applied in the preparation and presentation of
                                   2.  The IASC was set up in ………….., with headquarters in London (UK).
                                   3.  In India, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had established in ………….
                                       the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
                                   4.  ASB is entrusted with the responsibility of formulating standards on significant accounting
                                       matters, keeping in view (a) international developments as also (b) …………….in India.

                                   5.  The term …………….. denote a discipline, which provides both guidelines and yardsticks
                                       for evaluations.

                                   1.2 Nature and Rationale of Accounting Standards

                                   Accounting Standards are formulated with a view to harmonise different accounting policies
                                   and practices in use in a country. The objective of Accounting Standards is, therefore, to reduce
                                   the accounting alternatives in the preparation of financial statements within the bounds of
                                   rationality, thereby ensuring comparability of financial statements of different enterprises with
                                   a view to provide meaningful information to various users of financial statements to enable
                                   them to make informed economic decisions.
                                   The following points discuss the nature of accounting standards for the perspective of key acts
                                   and organisations:

                                   1.2.1  Accounting Standards and Companies Act

                                   The specific provisions of the Companies Act include,
                                   1.  Section 211 (form and contents of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account)

                                            (3A): Every profit and loss account, balance sheet of the company shall comply with
                                            the accounting standards.

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