P. 97
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Notes Answer: Self Assessment
1. True 2. False
3. True 4. True
5. False 6. Liquidity risk
7. yield, capital appreciation 8. systematic risk
9. Equity shares 10. anticipated return
11. country risk, exchange rate risk 12. diversification
13. avoidance, minimisation 14. risk-prone
15. volatility, benchmark, stocks
2.11 Further Readings
Books Bonus Shares, A Study of the Dividend and Price Effects of Bonus Shares Issues, Bombay,
MacMillan, 1973.
Graham, Benjamin, David, L., Dodd, Sidney Cottle, et al., Security Analysis: Principles
and Techniques, 4th ed., New York McGraw – Hill Book Co. Inc., 1962.
Granger, Clive W and Morgenstem Oskar, Predictability of Stock Market Prices,
Lexington, Health Lexington, 1970.
Granville, Joseph E., A Strategy of Daily Timings for Maximum Profit, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1960.
Gup, Benton E., Basics of Investing, N.Y. Wiley, 1979.
Gupta L.C., Rates of Return on Equities: The Indian Experience, Bombay, Oxford
University Press, 1981.
Sudhindra Bhat, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Excel Books.