P. 4
Working Capital Management
Objectives: The course will enable the student to manage activities in the area of working capital in an enterprise and help the
students to do advance study in the field of financial-management through detailed analysis of financial statements, liquidity
crises, cash optimization, credit analysis etc. The student will learn how to apply sound techniques for managing inventory.
S. No. Description
1. Concept & importance of Working capital management, types of working capital, factors affecting working
capital requirements.
2. Meaning & significance of operating cycle and cash cycle, estimation of working capital requirements,
liquidity vs. profitability.
3. Financing of working capital needs: Commercial banks, Commercial papers, Factoring, Trade credit, Accrued
expenses, Deferred income as source for working capital.
4. Approaches to determine an appropriate financing mix, working capital and banking policy
(Recommendations of Dahejja Tandon, Chore & Marathe & Kannan committees.) MPBF norms, Managing
credit risk, Disbursement and follow up of working capital finance by bank.
5. Cash Management: Aspects of cash management, Motives for holding cash and marketable
6. Factors determining the optimum cash balance, Models-Baumol, Miller Orr, Stone, Beranek.
7. Cash Planning, Cash budget simulation and cash balance uncertainties, hedging vs. interest rate, future &
options. Treasury management, Reasons for Cash flow problems.
8. Receivable management: Introduction, Objectives of trade credit, credit policies.
Dimensions of receivable management, collections from receivables, role of factoring in receivables
9. Inventory Management: Introduction, tools & techniques of inventory management.
Inventory control models, valuation of inventories, Inventory management and cash flow time line.
10. Integration of working capital and capital investment process. Working capital management practices in