P. 65

Working Capital Management

                    Notes          It’s not only the bankers but also the customers were required to be trained in understanding the
                                   implications of the norms and the quarterly information system, an innovation brought in by
                                   the Tandon committee. No doubt the big parties had the qualified staff to give the data in forms
                                   prescribed on quarterly basis, but these forms were not forthcoming in time. If they were
                                   submitted each time after the current quarter or even much later upon reminder, the very
                                   purpose of calling for quarterly data were to be defeated as in that event follow-up supervision
                                   and control were difficult or not possible.
                                   In the case of some of the big parties, it had been found that they were run like family concerns
                                   on partnership or proprietary basis and they did not maintain proper books of accounts. Such
                                   parties were likely to plead inability to furnish the data as per the Tandon form. To make matter
                                   worse or difficult for banks, they maintained account in regional language too. Even if the forms
                                   were coming with lot of persuasion and understanding form the borrowers it was difficult to
                                   convince them in individual cases to abide by the norms for carrying current assets if they were
                                   already above the norms. No doubt, ultimately it was the banker’s judgment that should prevail
                                   in credit decisions after a dialogue with the parties, but in superimposing such decisions over
                                   the customers’ judgment, there was likely to be misunderstanding or clash sort of thing with the
                                   borrowers. It was quite possible that aggrieved borrowers getting lesser limit might perhaps
                                   consider higher limits.
                                   Another problem which was no less important could be about the manipulation in the figures of
                                   “other current assets”, “other current liabilities”, etc. as the permissible bank finance was based
                                   on figure work only. Further it was felt that the calculation of excess finance poses a realistic
                                   problem because while the working capital gap was computed on the basis of the projected net
                                   current assets, the figures of liability were the existing ones and not the projected levels. For
                                   growing higher levels of current assets, the Committee provided exceptions where under higher
                                   holdings might be permitted. It was feared that each party might argue to be brought within the
                                   exceptions to circumvent the rigors of the norms.
                                   However, in order to improve the operational efficiency and to develop and better understanding
                                   of the new lending system of banks, if all the banks are serious in implementing the Tandon
                                   Scheme and if they are able to get the cooperation from their customers, the problem areas are
                                   nothing and can be ignored. On the other hand, if unwarranted concessions and deviations are
                                   shown by banks against the ethics of the implementation of the scheme as a whole, the very
                                   philosophy of the Tandon Scheme will be defeated and it will create a situation in which the
                                   scrupulous banks will regret for going the Tandon way.

                                   4.2.3 Recommendations of Chore Committee

                                   While reviewing the monetary and credit trends in March 1979, the Governor of the Reserve
                                   Bank of India stressed the need for exercising continued restraint on expansion of credit. He also
                                   indicated in his meeting with bankers the need for considering certain long-term issues relating
                                   to baking operations. In his letter dated 16th March, 1979 to all scheduled commercial banks, he
                                   “I would like to initiate action on certain structural matters which need further examination. It
                                   is necessary to take a fresh look at another major problem faced by banks in implementing the
                                   credit regulatory measures, viz., the extensive use of the cash credit system. Its drawbacks have
                                   been pointed out by the various Committees in the past including the Tandon Committee,
                                   which suggested the bifurcation of credit limits into a demand loan and a fluctuating cash credit
                                   component. Although the banks were advised to implement this recommendation, I am afraid;
                                   the progress achieved has been very slow. Clearly, this problem needs to be looked into further
                                   and for this purpose I purposes to set up immediately a small Working Group, to report to
                                   me….. on the reforms to be introduced”.

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