P. 17

Stock Market Operations

                    Notes          1.4.2 According to a New Study

                                   Your personality is losing your money – not the market. All investors make mistakes; it is all
                                   part of the learning process. That is a given. But what isn’t so obvious is  that an investor’s
                                   personality has a big hand in determining what investing mistakes he or she is most likely to
                                   make. That was a key finding of a study done by the research firm of Mathew Greenwald &
                                   Associates Inc. for Merrill Lynch investment managers. Merrill divided the investors into four
                                   distinct personality types. See if you can find a match for yours…..

                                   Measured Investors

                                   Measured investors  are  secure in  their financial  situation and  confident they will have  a
                                   comfortable retirement. These investors are least  likely to say they waited too long to start
                                   investing or that they haven’t invested enough. Moreover, they are least likely to be plagued by
                                   emotions such as fear and anxiety that commonly cause investment mistakes. The most common
                                   mistake is not letting go of losing investments.

                                   Reluctant Investors

                                   Reluctant investors don’t particularly enjoy investing and prefer to spend as little time as possible
                                   managing their holdings. Not surprisingly, this group is the most likely to have a financial
                                   adviser. Reluctant investors are least likely to become overly attached to an investment or to put
                                   too much money into a single holding.

                                   Competitive Investors

                                   Competitive investors can have a hard time letting go of losing investments, often dedicate too
                                   much of their portfolio to one stock or investment and tend to be greedy and chase hot stocks.
                                   Competitive investors enjoy investing, are informed and try to beat the market.

                                     Notes  They are most likely to have started investing early, to put enough money into
                                     their investments and to invest regularly. On the downside, their enthusiasm for investing
                                     “can be a detriment if left unchecked”.

                                   Unprepared Investors

                                   Unprepared investors, characterized as unhappy with their financial situation and lacking in
                                   confidence. They tend to start investing late and are the least likely to rebalance their portfolios.
                                   The survey involved 1,000 Indian investors who had annual household income of at least 275,000
                                   (INR) and at least 100,000 in assets to invest. When asked for the reasons they make mistakes,
                                   64% said they just happen.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   11.  The ..................................... investor does not enjoy investing and prefers to spend as little
                                       time as possible on his or her investments.
                                   12.  ..................................... investors spend time and energy understanding their investments
                                       and are willing to pay for sound financial advice.

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