P. 15

Stock Market Operations

                    Notes                  Invests regularly.
                                           Avoids concentration in a single investment.
                                           Is committed to an investing plan.

                                           Holds losers too long.

                                           Does not take profits.
                                   2.  Reluctant Investor

                                           The reluctant investor does not enjoy investing and prefers to spend as little time as
                                            possible on his or her investments. However, the reluctant investor is confident that
                                            he or she will have a comfortable retirement.
                                           Gets rid of investments that are losing.

                                           Avoids concentration of portfolio in a single investment.
                                           Does not chase ‘hot’ investments.

                                           Invests too little and too late.
                                           Does not invest regularly, even if he or she has the money to do so.

                                           Does not regularly rebalance his or her portfolio.
                                   3.  Competitive  Investor

                                           The competitive investor enjoys investing, but makes a habit of trying to beat the
                                            market. This investor is happy with his or her current situation and is confident
                                            about the future.

                                           Invests regularly.
                                           Starts investing early.
                                           Puts as much money as possible into his or her investments.

                                           Regularly rebalances his or her portfolio.

                                           Holds losers too long and does not take profits.
                                           Fails to adequately diversify his or her investments.
                                           Is over-confident and chases ‘hot’ investments.

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