P. 252

Unit 12: Mutual Fund

          Solution:                                                                             Notes
          Monthly Return on the Mutual Fund

                          (NAV   NAV ) 1   G  t
                                     t 1
                      r =
                                     t 1
          Where        r = Return on mutual fund
                   NAV = Net asset value at the time period ‘t’ i.e. `10.03
                 NAV    = Net asset value at time period “t – 1” i.e. `10.00
                      I = Income at time period ‘t’ i.e. ` 0.05
                     G = Capital gain distribution at time period ‘t’ i.e. ` 0.04
          By substituting, we get,
                        (  10.03 –   10.00) +   0.05 +   0.04
                     r =                             = 0.012
                                   `  10.00
                      = 1.20% p.m.   or  14.4% p.a.
          Self Assessment
          Fill in the blanks:

          11.  A load fund is one that charges a percentage of ................................ for entry or exit.
          12.  Each time one buys or sells units in the fund, a ................................ will be payable.

          12.6 Creation of a Portfolio

          The portfolio of a mutual fund depends on the objectives of each scheme/fund floated by mutual
          fund. For example, the objective of an income-oriented scheme is to provide regular monthly
          income to its shareholders. The portfolio of such a fund should consist of fixed income-bearing
          securities, so  that the fund can  achieve its objective. The Indian experience reveals that the
          portfolio of such a fund consists of mainly the following securities:

              Non-convertible Debentures (NCD’s) - 75 to 90%
              Call Money -10 to 25%
          A portfolio  of income-cum-growth oriented fund consists of mainly NCDs up to 70% of the
          portfolio, approximately 25% of equities and 5% of money market instruments. On the other
          hand, a pure growth of equity fund creates a portfolio of share/stock of growth or blue-chip

          The fund manager of a mutual fund is the person responsible for buying these securities in such
          a way  that the fund is able to achieve its objectives. A fund manager tries to create a well-
          diversified portfolio of securities so that unsystematic risk is reduced significantly and returns
          expected on individual securities and on portfolio is directly related to ‘market risk’ or systematic
          risk. A fund manager has the following investment options in terms of buying securities from
          the Indian market:

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