P. 273
Advanced Auditing
Notes 14.3.3 Automating Audit Procedures
There are several benefits from automating audit procedures. These include:
Automatic generation of audit plans, programs, schedules and procedures.
Savings due to more efficient working.
Better compliance with audit firm procedures.
Freeing audit personnel to think rather than merely go through procedures.
Creation of networks such that online supervision becomes possible.
Rapid sharing of information.
14.3.4 E-Commerce
E-commerce is a system of conducting business over the internet by electronic rather than
paper-based methods. In E-commerce, documents such as invoices are exchanged using a standard
method known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Electronic form filling and transmission
becomes far quicker than manually completing a form and then posting it. Secure Electronic
Transmission (SET) is an extension of EDI. Using SET, monies can be transferred primarily
through credit card payments. E-commerce raises various risks for firms applying it and for
auditors as well.
Some risks involved in E-commerce are:
1. Systems breakdown: It includes Systems breakdown which may have going-concern
2. Computer viruses: Spread of computer viruses which can cause computer failure.
3. Failure of internet services: Failure of internet services may bring operations to a standstill.
4. Lack of confidentiality: Data which may be commercially sensitive may be obtained by
hackers or by other means.
5. Integrity: Electronic data may lack integrity since it may be corrupted or be unauthorised
or duplicated or lost.
6. Health and safety: Continuous exposure to computer screens may damage employees’
health and lead to actions for damages.
7. Compliance with laws and regulations: There are/there will be some laws and regulations
to be complied with.
8. Competition: Business competition is facilitated. For example, one can buy books more
cheaply from web-based booksellers in the USA than in the UK. This has implications for
many businesses that formerly had quasi-monopoly position.
9. Fraud: The complexity and anonymity of modern IT systems make fraud a possibility and
its detection more unlikely.
10. Money laundering: Money laundering is facilitated by modern IT systems.
11. Lack of audit trail: The trail of paper tracing all transactions is gradually disappearing as
the paperless office is coming in sight.
12. Lack of appropriate technical skills: E-commerce indeed presents a number of challenges
to the auditor. These include:
The need for having a technical expert in E-commerce in the audit firm