P. 93

Advanced Auditing

                    Notes          external auditors due to the nature of the function. Techniques used by internal auditors are
                                   similar to those used by  external auditors. There are usually no statutory requirements  in
                                   relation to internal audit. Internal audit is a relatively new profession and there is an expectation
                                   gap i.e. the difference between what the public perceives and what the profession perceives to be
                                   the role of the internal auditor.
                                   The main objective of Internal audit is to detect the mistake and errors committed during the
                                   assessment work, TROs  and Administrative  Officers/Superintendents, so  that a  suitable/
                                   appropriate remedial action is taken to retrieve the loss caused to the revenue not to allow relief
                                   to the assessee in case of overcharge/over assessment. The other objective of internal audit is to
                                   find out whether the procedure and laws laid down are properly followed or not and whether
                                   there is any violation of CBDT Guidelines, Instructions and Circulars. Ultimate aim is to improve
                                   quality of assessments by reducing the errors and omissions which are subsequently detected
                                   by receipt audit.

                                   6.1 Meaning of Internal Audit

                                   Internal audit is defined as an appraisal or monitoring activity established within an entity as a
                                   service to the entity. It functions by, amongst other things, examining, evaluating and reporting
                                   to the management and the directors on the adequacy and effectiveness of the components of the
                                   Accounting and Internal Control Systems.

                                   The Institute of Internal Auditors, USA,  defines Internal  Audit as  an independent appraisal
                                   activity within an organization for the review of accounting, financial and other operations as a
                                   service to management. Internal audit is generally a feature of large companies. It is a function
                                   which is provided either by employees of the entity or sourced from outside the entity.
                                   The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defines internal audit as follows:
                                   “Internal Audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add
                                   value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives
                                   by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
                                   management, control and governance processes.”
                                   The above definition leads us towards the following elements:

                                   1.  Internal audit is an independent activity.
                                   2.  It provides assurance and consulting services.
                                   3.  It helps the organization to achieve its objectives.
                                   4.  It enhances the effectiveness of processes related to internal control and risk management.
                                   5.  It is a systematic and disciplined approach.

                                   From the figure 6.1, it is clear that internal audit is basically an evaluation and reporting function
                                   of financial and operational areas. Now-a-day, management puts a lot of reliance on the report
                                   and suggestions made by the internal auditors. It is relevant to mention here that internal audit
                                   works as a part of the management. It provides assurance to the Board of Directors and Audit
                                   Committee that:
                                      The existing system of controls is commensurate with the size and nature of the company.
                                      The existing system of controls is cost effective.

                                      Financial and operating information systems are reliable and accurate.
                                      Company is complying with all applicable policies, procedures, laws and regulations.

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