P. 170

Unit 10: The Trader Workstation

          10.7 Review Questions                                                                 Notes

          1.   Briefly explain about trader workstation.
          2.   List the windows that are displayed on the trader workstation screen.

          3.   What is market watch window?
          4.   List down the fields in market watch window.
          5.   What is symbols window? Explain fast adding of symbols.
          6.   What is ‘Popup Prices’ window?
          7.   Explain the meaning and commands of ticks that context menu of this tab allows.

          8.   What is trading tab? What are the elements of the trade window?
          9.   Discuss about inquiry window. What information does inquiry window enables the user
               to view?

          10.  What id Proprietary and clients orders?
          11.  Discuss about market spread/combination order entry.
          12.  What is basket trading?

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Trader workstation               2.   Ticker

          3.   Pre-selected                     4.   Index Inquiry
          5.   Snap Quote                       6.   True
          7.   True                             8.   False
          9.   True                             10.  True

          11.  False                            12.  False
          13.  True                             14.  ‘Pro, ‘Cli’
          15.  Short

          10.8 Further Readings

           Books         Anderson, R W and K McKay (2008).  Derivatives markets, in  Freixas,  X, P
                         Hartmann  and C Mayer (eds),  Handbook  of European Financial Markets  and
                         Institutions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
                         Apte, P.G., International Financial Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing

                         Chance, Don M. An Introduction to Derivatives. Dryden Press. International
                         Chew, Lilian. Managing Derivative Risk. John Wiley. New Jersey.

                         Derivatives Market  NCFM Module  (2007).  National  Stock Exchange  India
                         Limited Publications: Bombay.

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