P. 194

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems

                                          Example: The Mathematical function  Compile can be used to make more efficient
                                   versions of the code. In the following example, the details do not particularly matter; what
                                   matters is that the sub expression {{com[_], Integer}} instructs Compile that expressions of the
                                   form com[_] can be assumed to be integers for the purposes of compilation:
                                     com[i_]:= Binomial[2i, i]
                                     Compile[{x, {i, _Integer}}, x^com[i], {{com[_], Integer}}]

                                   Pattern Matching and Strings

                                   By far the most common form of pattern matching involves strings of characters. In many
                                   programming languages, a particular syntax of strings is used to represent regular expressions,
                                   which are patterns describing string characters. However, it is possible to perform some string
                                   pattern matching within the same framework that has been discussed throughout this article.

                                   Tree Patterns for Strings

                                   Mathematically, strings are represented as trees of root String Expression and all the characters
                                   in order as children of the root. Thus, to match “any amount of trailing characters”, a new
                                   wildcard ___ is needed in contrast to _ that would match only a single character. In Haskell and
                                   functional programming languages in general, strings are represented as functional lists of
                                   characters. A functional list is defined as an empty list, or an element constructed on an existing
                                   list. In Haskell syntax:
                                     [] – an empty list
                                     x:xs – an element x constructed on a list xs
                                   The structure for a list with some elements is thus element:list. When pattern matching, we
                                   assert that a certain piece of data is equal to a certain pattern. For example, in the function:
                                     head (element:list) = element
                                   We assert that the first element of head’s argument is called element, and the function returns

                                     Notes We know that this is the first element because of the way lists are defined, a single
                                     element constructed onto a list. This single element must be the first. The empty list would
                                     not match the pattern at all, as an empty list does not have a head (the first element that is

                                   In the example, we have no use for list, so we can disregard it, and thus write the function:
                                     head (element:_) = element
                                   The equivalent Mathematical transformation is expressed as
                                     head[element, ]:=element

                                          Example: It can be represented as,
                                     StringExpression[“a”, ]
                                   will match a string that has two characters and begins with “a”.

                                   The same pattern in Haskell:
                                     [‘a’, _]

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