P. 38

Unit 2: Red Hat Linux 9 Basics

                                Figure 2.12: Finding the Available Hardware

           Area                   Description
           CPU                    The type of CPU and the amount of processing load.
           Memory                 The amount of memory installed on the system and its usage
                                  The disk capacities and their usage status.
           Hard disk, CD-ROM, and
           floppy drives
           Network cards          The network devices which are operational and their usage
           Mouse                  The kind of mouse being used by the system.

           Keyboard               The kind of keyboard being used by the system.
           Display                The display card detected by the system and its current usage status.

           Various PCI and USB    The various devices detected by the system.

           Sound                  The sound card detected and used by the system.

          Operating system maintains some special files in a dynamic manner. A lot of  information can
          be found by using these special files. These files are located in the /proc directory. We call these
          files  special as operating system generates them “on demand”. Also, these files are not actually
          available  on the file system except when requested (for instance, by the ls /proc command).

          The cat command can be used to view the contents of these files. On the other hand, we can make
          use of a text editor like gedit.

          CPU-related Information

          We can find out the  CPU information discovered by the operating system by displaying the
          contents of the file /proc/cpuinfo. This is displayed as below:

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