P. 225
Unit 9: Small Groups Organizations
Traditional theory of group: It implicitly assumes that private groups and associations Notes
operate according to principles entirely different from those that govern the relationships
among firms in the make place or between taxpayers and the state.
1. Mention technical barriers faced by the small group organizations.
2. List down some trade related problems in small group organization.
9.8 Review Questions
1. Define the small group organizations.
2. Which type of groups are primary groups?
3. Classify the small scale industries (SSIs).
4. What is the role of small scale industries in Indian economy?
5. Define the disabilities in group.
6. Explain the differences between output and employment.
7. Differentiate among the micro, small and medium enterprises development
8. What are the problems faced by small businesses organization?
9. Explain the development of small organizations in India.
10. What are the challenges and opportunities for the micro and small organizations?
Answers to Self Assessment
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c)
6. (c) 7. (d)
8. distinct 9. The Policy 10. adhere 11. small business
9.10 Further Reading
Organization Theory and Design, by Daft, J. Murphy, H. Willmott.