Page 4 - Open Soource Technologies 304.indd
P. 4


                                             Open Source Technologies

          Objectives:   To impart understanding of essentials of open source technologies. Open source technologies course is designed
                     to enable web developers and others with limited programming experience to build dynamic database driven
                     e-commerce web sites using the PHP programming language.

           S. No.                                            Description
             1.      My SQL: Current and Future Versions of MySQL, Installing MySQL. Basic Security Guidelines. Privilege System
                     and Working with user privileges.
             2.      Apache Server: Versions of Apache. Choosing Appropriate Installation Method. Installing on Windows. Apache
                     Configuration File Structure. Apache Log File. Starting Apache for First Time.

             3.      PHP: Versions of PHP. Installation of PHP. Php.ini basics. Testing Installation.
                     Building Blocks of PHP: Variables, Data Types, Operators & Expressions, Constants. Switching Flow. Loops,
                     Code Blocks and Browser Output.
             4.      Functions: Meaning, Calling, Defining a function. Return value from user-defined function. Saving State with

                     ‘static’ function. Testing for existence of function.
                     Arrays: What are arrays, Creating Arrays, Array Related functions.
                     Objects: Creating an Object. Object Inheritance.
             5.      Working with String, Dates & Time: Formatting String with PHP. Using Date and Time Functions with PHP.
                     Other String, Date/Time Functions.
             6.      Forms: Creating Simple input Form. Accessing Form input with user defined arrays, HTML and PHP Code on a

                     single Page. Using Hidden Fields to Save State. Redirecting User. Working with File Upload.
             7.      Cookies: Introducing Cookies, Setting Cookies, Deleting Cookies with PHP, Session Function Overview, Starting
                     Session, Working with Session Variables. Destroying Sessions and Unsetting variables.
             8.      Files and Directories: Include Files with include(). Validating Files. Creating Files, Deleting Files, Opening a File
                     for Reading, Writing, Appending.

             9.      Images: Understanding Image Creation Process, Necessary Modifications to PHP, Drawing a New Image, Modifying
                     Existing Images, Image Creation from User Input.
             10.     Stored Procedures: What are Transactions, What are Stored Procedures.
                     Connecting to MySQL with PHP. Working with MySQL Data.
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