P. 20

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes          1.3.6 System Characteristics

                                   A system has the following characteristics:
                                   1.  Organization:  Organization  implies  structure  and  order.  It  is  the  arrangement  of
                                       components that helps to achieve objectives. The various elements of a system are organized
                                       to achieve objectives. For instance, input devices, output devices and the CPU of a computer
                                       system are organized to process the data and produce information.
                                   2.  Interaction: Interaction refers to the procedure in which each component functions with
                                       other components of the system. The various elements of a system are interacted with
                                       others to achieve a common goal. For instance, the ledger, journals and people are interacted
                                       in a financial accounting system for preparing the final financial statements (e.g., Profit
                                       and Loss A/c, Balance Sheet, etc.) of an organization.
                                   3.  Interdependence: Interdependence means that components of the organization or computer
                                       system depend on one another. The various subsystems of a system depend on one another
                                       for sharing of input data. For instance, in a computerised MIS (a system), the financial
                                       accounting system (a subsystem) receives the input data (e.g., financial data from Invoices,
                                       cash memo etc.) from the invoicing system (a subsystem).
                                   4.  Integration: Integration is concerned with how a system is tied together. It is more than
                                       sharing a physical part or location. It means that parts of the system work together within
                                       the system even though each part performs a unique function. Successful integration will
                                       typically  produce  a  better  result  as  a  whole rather  than  if  each component  works
                                   5.  Central objective: Central objective is the last characteristic of a system. Objectives may be
                                       real or stated. Although a stated objective may be the real objective, it is quite common
                                       that organization may set one objective and operate to achieve another. The important
                                       point is that users must be aware about the central objective well in advance.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:

                                   7.  ................................. is the process of planning a new system or replace or complement an
                                       existing system.
                                   8.  The systems .................................   shows a set of procedure for solving a particular problem.

                                   9.  A ................................. is that part of a system that carries one part of the system function.
                                   1.4 Categories of Information System

                                   There  are five  major  types  of information  systems for  various  management  levels  of  an
                                   organization which are illustrated in Figure 1.5 and are discussed below:

                                   1.4.1 Executive Support System (ESS)

                                   This system is designed to address unstructured decision-making at the strategic level of an
                                   organization. The systems at strategic level help senior managers in long-term planning. ESS
                                   employ advanced graphics and communications software for creating a generalized computing
                                   and communications  environment.

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