P. 22

Analysis & Design of Information Systems


                                     Did u know?  A management information system focuses on generating information that
                                     management and other users need to perform their jobs.

                                   1.4.3 Decision Support System (DSS)

                                   This system also serves the information needs at management level of an organization.  DSS
                                   differ from MIS in mainly having more analytical power and more user-friendly capabilities.
                                   DSS combine data and  analytical/modeling tools  to support semi-structured/unstructured
                                   decision- making.
                                   Transaction processing and management information systems provide information on a regular
                                   basis. Frequently, however, users need information not provided in these reports to help them
                                   make decisions.

                                          Example: A sales manager might need to determine how high to set yearly sales quotas
                                   based on increased sales and lowered product costs. Decision support systems help provide
                                   information to support such decisions.
                                   A Decision Support System  (DSS) is  an information system designed to help users reach  a
                                   decision when a decision-making situation arises. A variety of DSSs exist to help with a range of
                                   A decision support system uses data from internal and/or external sources. Internal sources of
                                   data might include sales, manufacturing,  inventory, or financial data from an  organization’s
                                   database. Data from external sources could include interest rates, population trends, and costs of
                                   new housing construction or raw material pricing. Users of a DSS, often managers, can manipulate
                                   the data used in the DSS to help with decisions.
                                   Some  decision support  systems  include  query  language,  statistical  analysis  capabilities,
                                   spreadsheets, and graphics that help you extract data and evaluate the results. Some decision
                                   support systems also include capabilities that allow you to create a model of the factors affecting
                                   a decision.

                                          Example: A simple model for determining the best product price would include factors
                                   for the expected sales volume at each price level.
                                   With the model, you  can ask what-if questions by changing one or more of  the factors and
                                   viewing the projected results. Many people use application software packages to perform DSS

                                          Example: Using spreadsheet software, you  can complete simple modeling tasks  or
                                   what-if scenarios.
                                   A special type of DSS, called an Executive Information System (EIS), is designed to support the
                                   information needs of executive management. Information in an EIS is presented in charts and
                                   tables that show trends, ratios, and other managerial statistics. Because executives usually focus
                                   on strategic issues, EISs rely on external data sources such as the Dow Jones News/Retrieval
                                   service or the Internet. These external data sources can provide current information on interest
                                   rates, commodity prices, and other leading economic indicators.
                                   To store all the necessary decision-making data, DSSs or EISs often use extremely large databases,
                                   called data warehouses. A data warehouse stores and manages the data required to analyze
                                   historical and current business circumstances.

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