P. 27

Unit 1: Introduction to Information System Development

          Whether  the systems  developer utilizes  a process,  data, or  object-oriented strategy,  the  Notes
          methodology concerning the strategy will be consistent and organized. Such a methodology is
          termed here as “unified.”

          1.5.2 Technique Approach

          Methodologies are,  certainly, compilations  of connected  techniques. Disaggregating  most
          methodologies consequences in recognizes techniques of unstable utility—some  techniques
          are  exceptionally important, some are comparatively valuable,  and some have only minor

                 Example: A previous constituent of the structured techniques was the concept of a “Chief
          Programmer Team.” Over the years, as it became obvious that this was not a victorious part of
          the structured techniques, that concept was removed.
          Due to this inconsistency in the value of constituent methods, there are those  who  utilize
          collections of suitable techniques instead of unified methodologies.
          With this approach,  systems developers are taught  in the utilization of  “best  of  practice”
          techniques recognized to have been victorious in resolving an enterprise’s troubles.
          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          13.  Program .................................  is mainly concerned  with writing  of programs (coding),
               editing of programs using a text editor or word processor, debugging and finally testing
          14.  The foundation for the ................................. strategy is that application problems frequently
               develop around real-world objects and the manners in which they interrelate.

          1.6 Implementation

          Implementation  means  to  introduce  the  designed  system  into  practice  or  in  use.  The
          implementation process covers the following:

          1.   Acquisition of hardware and software resources required by the proposed system.
          2.   Develop the computer program or perform any modification in the existing programs or
               the software package purchased.

          3.   Train the end user - it involves (a) preparing training program and documents that explain
               how to operate the proposed  system. i.e.  to make manual of the Information System.
               (b) Educate and train managers, sales person, computer operators who operate the system.
          4.   Test the system and remove errors if any. This process is continued till system is free from

          5.   Conversion process i.e. to introduce a new system.
          The conversion process has many ways to convert from old system to new system.
          A.   Parallel: When new and old systems are run in parallel for a trial period and a comparison
               of both is done. If the proposed system gives a satisfactory solution to information need,
               it is accepted and the old one becomes obsolete.

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