P. 34

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes          1.9 Keywords

                                   Decision Support System: System that serves the information needs at management level of an

                                   Environment of a System:  Anything outside a system which has  an effect on  the way the
                                   system operates.
                                   Executive Support System: System designed to address unstructured decision making at the
                                   strategic level of an organization.
                                   Information System: A people-machine sub-system of the business system that supports the
                                   operational, managerial and decision-making information needs of an organization.
                                   Management  Information  System:  System  designed  to  serve  the  functions  of  planning,
                                   controlling and decision-making at the management level of an organization.
                                   Office Automation System: System that serves the knowledge  level of  an organization  for
                                   supporting knowledge workers like production managers, EDP managers, etc.

                                   Project Manager: A computer specialist who monitors the development ad implementation of
                                   software in relation to quality, cost and time.
                                   Sub-system: A part of the system that carries one part of the system function.

                                   System: A  Coherent set of interdependent component which exists for  some purpose,  has
                                   some stability and can be usefully viewed as  a whole, generally portrayed  in terms of  an
                                   input-process-output model existing within a given environment.

                                   System Analysis: Process of gathering and interpreter facts, diagnosing problems and using
                                   the information to recommend improvement to the system.
                                   System Analyst: A computer specialist who translates business problems and requirements
                                   into information  system.
                                   System Approach: A set  of procedure for solving a particular problem, to  optimize the  net
                                   results of the operations of an organization.
                                   System Design: The process of planning a new system or replace or complement an existing
                                   System Designer: A computer specialist who creates a detailed physical and logical design of
                                   the system.

                                   System  Study:  A  study  of  the  operations  of  a  set  of  connected  elements  and  of  the
                                   interconnections between these elements.
                                   Transaction  Processing  System:  System  designed  to  serve  the  operational  level  of  an

                                   1.10 Review Questions

                                   1.  Illustrate the various phases used in information system development.
                                   2.  What is the objective of feasibility study? Depict the components of feasibility study.

                                   3.  Make distinction between conceptual design and detailed design.
                                   4.  Illustrate significant attributes of a system analyst.
                                   5.  Which is in your opinion the most difficult job of a systems analyst?

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