P. 38

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes          2.1 Managing the Application Development Portfolio

                                   In today’s Information Technology (I/T) world, how many organizations have a formal procedure
                                   for evaluating already organized applications, their influence on the business, and I/T’s aptitude
                                   to deliver?  Each IT organization should have Application approaches that provide value, where:
                                   Value = Benefits/Cost.
                                   Costs can be reduced by dropping or eliminating low value work, decreasing cycle time, and
                                   diminishing defects.
                                   Advantages can be maximized if we function on the right things, provide excellence applications,
                                   and are receptive to altering business requirements.
                                   One of the main confronts is that of bringing some stage of objectivity to the mission of choosing
                                   which business application systems to restore, improve, minimally sustain or just scrap. This
                                   matter of  “functioning on the correct things” is not often easy and inside IT the recognition of
                                   those “correct  things”  is  frequently    complexed  by  verbal proponents  and  the  pressing
                                   requirement to  “get the  job completed” which  is apt to unclear the  actuality that   what  is
                                   “getting done” isn’t “getting done” wonderfully.
                                   Here we concentrate  on a  technique  known  as  Application  Portfolio Management  (APM).
                                   Managing application development portfolio is used to make sure you are functioning on the
                                   correct things.  Similar to your stock investment portfolio, applications require to be handled.
                                   Some applications may require to be retired (sell), some may necessitate new investment (buy),
                                   whereas others should be simply preserved (hold).
                                   By means of APM, one company was competent to decrease their preservation/enhancement
                                   workload by 25% by removing low value work. In an additional case, an IT executive exposed
                                   that an application he considered had been very productively deployed, was no longer being
                                   utilized by its customers as it failed to provide value to its consumers.

                                   Application Portfolio Management is the procedure consumers and IT utilize to maintain the
                                   portfolio data current and to formulate investment conclusions.
                                   IT employees and its consumers  use each application by means of three different measures.
                                   How an application scores comparative to the other applications in the application portfolio
                                   assist direct investment decisions.
                                   The three measures utilized to evaluate each application are:
                                   Technical Quality – The application is assessed against factors like maintainability, constancy,
                                   and effectual utilization of technology.  This assessment is executed in facilitated meetings with
                                   the staff that assists applications.
                                   Functional Quality –This is a concern of how well the application fulfills the requirements of
                                   the business.  Factors comprise system usefulness, user-friendliness, reliability, and receptiveness
                                   to variations to the business. This concern is determined in a facilitated review with the operational
                                   consumers of the system and supervisors/executives who access the system for administration
                                   or strategic decision-making.

                                   Strategic Value  – This computes the relative significance of a business function to the company
                                   and how  vital the application is in executing that function.  The ratings (High, Medium, or Low)
                                   are allocated by   company executives.  A   High specifies that the  function and application
                                   provide the company a competitive  advantage.  A Low implies that the application is not vital
                                   to the business.

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