P. 42

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes            The Deming Cycle is a fractal. One cycle spawns others. The actions emerging out of the
                                     ‘Do’ step at a higher level of abstraction become the contents of the ‘Plan’ step of the next
                                     lower level. For example, the ‘Plan’ of increasing market share at one level may spawn a
                                     ‘Do’ step of running a media campaign with a designated effectiveness. This becomes the
                                     content for the ‘Plan’ step of the business process that will implement the campaign. Thus
                                     the fractal chain is used at practically all levels in the organisation: Corporate, business
                                     unit, business process or individual.
                                     The Deming Cycle can be applied equally to a strategy or an operations problem. It can,
                                     for example, be applied to the operational problem of cutting down the cycle time of the
                                     new product development process. It can be applied equally to the strategic problem of
                                     gaining market share by the addition of new features to a product that would change its
                                     positioning in the marketplace.
                                     Role of Enterprise Applications
                                     The domain of Enterprise Applications is primarily the ‘Do’ and ‘Check’ steps. For the
                                     greater  part,  ERP  implementation  has  been  an  “equalising”  effort  rather  than  a
                                     “differentiating” effort. A handful of discerning enterprises have used the strength of ERP
                                     with the power of Business Process Redesign to develop signature processes that lead to a
                                     distinct competitive advantage.

                                     Business Intelligence extensions to Enterprise Applications, performance measurement
                                     systems and their ilk assist management with the ‘Check’ step.
                                     Retrospective Analytics work more at the ‘Check’ step than at the ‘Plan’ or ‘Act’ steps to
                                     provide discernible patterns that might account for the gap between actual results and the
                                     goals evolved during the Plan step. The emergence of Predictive Analytics is providing
                                     the first glimmer of substantive assistance to managers, both at the Plan and Check levels.
                                     Yet Predictive Analytics is incapable of using expert rules and heuristic reasoning.

                                     Today’s Enterprise Applications concentrate on the Do and Check steps and offer scanty
                                     support for the Plan and Act steps. Therefore, IT-enabled management is still not a closed-
                                     loop system. However, the proposition of Enterprise Management Systems (EMS) will
                                     permit the installation of a powerful, revitalised Deming Cycle.
                                     Enterprise Management Systems

                                     Enterprise  Management Systems (EMS) are intelligent information systems that embed
                                     specialist components to support the ‘Plan’ and ‘Act’ steps. An EMS consists of three principal
                                     Enterprise Applications  (Transactions) that contain data  relating to the thousands  of
                                     transactions by which an enterprise conducts its business Enterprise Applications (Business
                                     Intelligence) that incorporate the power of  both Retrospective Analytics and Predictive
                                     Analytics that reveal patterns, both past and prospective, contained in the transaction layer.

                                     Enterprise Planning Systems (EPS) that contain the knowledge base  and the  inference
                                     mechanisms which act upon both transactions and patterns to generate alternatives for the
                                     ‘Plan’ and ‘Act’ steps.
                                     EMS  help  management  teams  continuously  evolve  plans  at  the  various  levels  of
                                     management, such as corporate, strategic business unit, and business process. They support
                                     the P-D-C-A fractal evolution and make IT-enabled management a closed loop.
                                     The process of generating ‘Plan’ and ‘Act’ steps has to be understood from a computational
                                     and reasoning perspective. Computational sciences, in general, and Artificial Intelligence

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