P. 40

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes          commercially obtainable. The objective of these planning techniques is to explain an organization-
                                   wide way for a firm’s information systems. This involves recognizing key elements on which
                                   applications are based and are built. It may also comprise illustrating the interrelation of these
                                   elements and possibly documenting the present  position of  the organization’s  information
                                   requirements or outlining future plans. Three broadly used strategies to planning information
                                   systems  are Business  Systems  Planning  (BSP)  method;  Nolan, Norton  &  Co.’s  computer
                                   architecture strategic planning method; and the critical success factors method.
                                   The  BSP  approach, which is  considered  as  the  most  extensively  used planning  methods,
                                   concentrates on recognition of the data essential to run an organization. Nolan, Norton & Co.’s
                                   computer architecture strategic planning method associates an organization’s present potentials
                                   with  its future  requirements.  This  method  highlights  development of  a  strong  technical
                                   infrastructure, or basis, to support the  applications. Critical success factors method asks for
                                   identifying areas that are key to an organization’s endurance and to make sure that these elements
                                   are included into the organization’s information systems.
                                   An organization’s corporate work should be reflected all through the grounding and assessment
                                   of its information system project requests. Information systems planning needs a vision-a view
                                   of the impact that information systems have on an organization’s long-term corporate success,
                                   tactically and operationally. Having a vision is necessary, but it must also be conversed if the
                                   organization’s personnel and other resources are to be productively mobilized to put up and
                                   preserve a viable information systems plan.
                                   ISP fundamentally entails:
                                      Identification of the stage of IS in the organization.
                                      Identification of the applications of organizational ISs.

                                      Assessment of each of these applications, depending on established evaluation criteria.
                                      Establishing a main concern ranking for these application.
                                      Identifying the ‘optimum’ architecture of IS for serving the top precedence applications.

                                     Caution  The plan of an organization’s information systems must consider the firm’s existing
                                     systems, in addition to its future needs.

                                     Did u know?  Information system planning objectives are preferred future situations and
                                     destinations, the organizations intend to reach so as to accomplish its task.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:

                                   5.  ................................... planning is defined as a process for producing a strategy and plans for
                                       arranging information systems with the business approaches of an organization.
                                   6.  To support supervisors and executives in producing information systems that aid in attaining
                                       an organization’s corporate assignment, ................................... planning techniques have
                                       been produced and made commercially obtainable.
                                   7.  Information system planning objectives are preferred future situations and destinations,
                                       the organizations intend to reach so as to accomplish its ................................... .

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