P. 43

Unit 2: Managing Application Development Portfolio and Project Review & Selection

             (AI), in particular, have dealt with planning as state transition. The Plan and Act steps deal  Notes
             with the transition from the current state to a desired state.
             For example, in the new product development process, the current state of the process
             could be a cycle time of 130 days. The desired state could be a cycle time of 80 days. The
             Plan step, using the knowledge repository and  inference mechanisms of EPS,  would
             generate alternatives for transitioning from the current state (cycle time of 130 days) to the
             desired state (cycle time of 80 days).

             These alternatives are implemented in the form of business  transactions by Enterprise
             Applications (in this case, perhaps a PLM application). The Check step determines whether
             the desired state (actual cycle time of 80 days) was achieved. If not, the Act step, enabled by
             appropriate EPS components, generates a set of alternatives to close the gap. At the heart
             of  EPS  would  be knowledge  representation schemes, inference mechanisms,  search
             strategies and heuristic reasoning mechanisms.
             The need for EMS is now being filled by manual, cumbersome and unreliable methods.
             Most often the success of reasoning is dependent on a few experts and intuition. Some
             smart companies have written bespoke applications that perform the function of EMS, but
             are finding such applications incredibly difficult to maintain and grow.
             The EMS architecture and EPS in specific will draw significantly on techniques of AI and
             computational sciences. There has been some disappointment in the industry with the use
             of these techniques in the not-too-distant past. With Enterprise Applications acting as a
             solid bedrock of data, elegant user interfaces, and the dramatic reduction in the cost of
             computing with an equally dramatic rise in computing power, there is a strong case for
             revisiting extant assumptions and feelings about intelligent search and planning techniques.
             Knowledge Management
             Clearly  data management  now is  a  victim  of the  law  of  diminishing returns.  New
             incremental investments in data management are returning less and less. The competitive
             differentiation offered to  early adopters of Enterprise  Applications has  been all but
             eliminated. True  competitive advantage  consists in  the intelligent  management of a
             corporation’s specific problem-solving knowledge that gives it an edge. The manufacturing
             efficiencies of Dell, the management of cost per seat-mile of Southwest and Wal-Mart’s
             supply  chain  management  knowledge, empowered  by  technology,  give  them  their
             competitive advantage — not run-of-the-mill Enterprise Applications.
             Knowledge Management, which is the orderly encapsulation, perpetuation and deployment
             of  such  critical  knowledge,  is  vital  to  foster  a  firm’s  competitiveness.  Enterprise
             Management Systems (EMS) provide a management and  technology framework for
             superior Knowledge Management.

             (The author is Founder and CEO of Anantara Solutions Private Limited. TM Enterprise
             Management Systems (EMS) and Enterprise Planning Systems (EPS) are trademarks under
             application by Anantara Solutions Private Limited.)

          2.3 Project Selection

          System analysts do not start working on any projects they desire. They receive a lot of request
          from the management  for starting different type of the projects. When projects are formally
          requested, the  systems analysts, under the managements  direction,  conduct a  preliminary

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