P. 48

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes             How significant is the problem?
                                      What does user feel is the solution?
                                      How will the information systems help?
                                      Who else knows about this and could be contacted?

                                   The project selection committee is responsible to review the proposals carefully and  finally
                                   selects those projects which are most beneficial to the organisation. Therefore, a preliminary
                                   investigation is often requested to gather details which are asked in the project request-forms.
                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   10.  Someone in the organization must decide which ................................... to pursue and which
                                       to reject.
                                   11.  ................................... committee, consisting of key managers from various departments of
                                       the organization as well as members of information  systems group,  is responsible for
                                       supervising the review of project proposals.
                                   12.  ................................... committee approves or  disapproves projects  and sets  priorities,
                                       indicating which projects are most important and should receive immediate attention.

                                   13.  In ................................... Committee Method, Individual departments hire their own analysts
                                       and designers who handle project selection and carry out development.
                                   14.  The project proposals submitted by the users or the analysts to the ...................................
                                       Committee is a critical element in launching the systems study.
                                   15.  A ................................... is often requested to gather details which are asked in the project

                                   2.5 Summary

                                      Application Portfolio Management is the procedure consumers and IT utilize to maintain
                                       the portfolio data current and to formulate investment conclusions.
                                      Managing application development portfolio is used to make sure you are functioning on
                                       the correct things.

                                      Information system planning is defined as a process for producing a strategy and plans for
                                       arranging information systems with the business approaches of an organization.

                                      Three  broadly  used strategies  to planning information systems are  business  systems
                                       planning (BSP) method; Nolan, Norton & Co.‘s computer architecture strategic planning
                                       method; and the critical success factors method.

                                      Information system planning objectives are preferred future situations and destinations
                                       the organizations intend to reach so as to accomplish its task.
                                      As an organization always has many projects (concerned  with MIS or other  business
                                       functions) to do, the management must decide the priority of a system development in
                                       order to streamline the business.

                                      Steering  committee,  consisting  of  key  managers  from  various  departments  of  the
                                       organization  as well  as  members  of  information  systems  group,  is  responsible  for
                                       supervising the review of project proposals.

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