P. 52

Analysis & Design of Information Systems

                    Notes          3.1 Preliminary Investigation

                                   The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation to determine
                                   the feasibility of the system. The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project
                                   requests. It is not a design study nor does it include the collection of details to describe  the
                                   business system in all respect. Rather, it is the collecting of information that helps committee
                                   members to evaluate the merits of the project request and make an informed judgement about
                                   the feasibility of the proposed project.

                                   Analysts working on the preliminary investigation should accomplish the following objectives:
                                   1.  Clarify and Understand the Project Request. What is being done? What is required? And
                                       why? Is there an underlying reason different from the one the user identifies?

                                   2.  Determine the size of the project.
                                   3.  Access costs and benefits of alternative approaches.
                                   4.  Determine the technical and operational feasibility of alternative approaches.

                                   5.  Report the finding to management, with recommendations outlining the acceptance or
                                       rejection of the proposal.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  After analysis, a document is prepared by the analyst, which is called as ....................................
                                   2.  .................................... Language  is fundamentally the same as the structured analysis, but it
                                       is purely textual whereas structured analysis uses both text and graphics.
                                   3.  ....................................  Language has been specially designed for specifying the requirements
                                       of real time control systems.
                                   4.  The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation to
                                       determine the .................................... of the system.
                                   5.  ....................................  is the collecting of information that helps  committee members to
                                       evaluate the merits of the  project request and make an informed judgement about  the
                                       feasibility of the proposed project.

                                   3.2 Scope of Study

                                   The preliminary review of the system is performed which assists in recognizing the scope of the
                                   system. Depending on the result of the original study, feasibility study occurs. The feasibility
                                   study is essentially the test of the projected system in the light of its workability, fulfilling user’s
                                   needs, effective utilization of resources and .obviously, the cost usefulness.

                                     Did u know?  The major objective of feasibility study is not to resolve the problem but to
                                     attain the scope.

                                     Caution  In the process of feasibility study, the cost and benefits are predicted with greater

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