P. 49

Unit 2: Managing Application Development Portfolio and Project Review & Selection

              Information  system committee  approves or  disapproves  projects  and  sets  priorities,  Notes
               indicating which projects are most important and should receive immediate attention.

          2.6 Keywords

          Application Portfolio: An application portfolio is a collection for a specified customer, of the
          high-level and thorough information essential for IT and the consumer to build up an investment
          strategy across the customers’ applications.

          Application Portfolio Management: It is the procedure consumers and IT utilize to maintain the
          portfolio data current and to formulate investment conclusions.
          Information Systems Committee: A committee of managers and analysts in the information
          systems department.
          Steering Committee: A committee consisting of key managers from various departments of the
          organization as well as members of information systems group.

          2.7 Review Questions

          1.   Illustrate the process of managing the application development portfolio.
          2.   List the advantages of an application portfolio management process.
          3.   Elucidate the procedure of information system planning.

          4.   Why do we develop a new systems project? Illustrate.
          5.   Describe different committees formats used for managing projects.
          6.   List  the questions  reviewed by  the management  to  decide  the  priority  of a system
          7.   What are the functions of a long-term development committee?
          8.   Discuss some of the contents of a project request.

          9.   Describe the most significant reasons for a project to be initiated.
          10.  Enlighten various primary sources of project request.
          11.  Make  distinction between  Information  system  committee  method  and  User  Group
               Committee Method.
          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   application portfolio             2.  Application Portfolio Management
          3.   Technical Quality                 4.  Functional Quality
          5.   Information system                6.  formal
          7.   task                              8.  analyze

          9.   planned                           10.  requests
          11.  Steering                          12.  Information  system
          13.  User Group                        14.  Project Selection
          15.  preliminary  investigation

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