P. 32

Multimedia Systems

                   notes           results showed that the redesign of the system resulted in 70% reduction of the number
                                   of problems experienced by participants in the first usability test. This showed that the
                                   redesign of the user interface had significantly improved the usability of the system,
                                   supporting the positive contribution that can be made by usability testing as part of an
                                   iterative design process.
                                   The third usability test was conducted in the Department of Social Welfare. The participants
                                   performed identical tasks, but half of them used the system with the aid of an online user
                                   assistant agent. The results of the tests clearly showed the benefits of the online assistant in
                                   helping the participants achieve their goals, and that there were no usability problems that
                                   prevented the respondents from using the system when they had access to the online assistant.
                                   The improved attitude towards the system, and the respondents’ ability to use the system
                                   without direct help provided reassurance to the development team that, with minor redesigns,
                                   the system was ready for User Trials.

                                   User Trials confirmed that the general public perceived the kiosk as a useful method of
                                   distributing Social Welfare, job search and training services. It provided background
                                   information for how the system might be used in a public location.
                                   In conclusion, the usability consultants’ involvement throughout the development process
                                   helped influence the design as problems were identified and fixed at an early stage. Each
                                   test showed an improvement in the efficiency of the system, so the usability testing made a
                                   positive contribution to the quality of the product.
                                    1.  Explain the features of kiosk-based integrated multimedia service.

                                    2.  What do you mean by user field trials method?

                                 self assessment

                                 Choose the correct answer:
                                    6.  .............. refers to the use of hyperlinks (or simply “links”) to present text and static
                                       (  a)  Hypertext               (b)  Hypermedia
                                       (  c)  Dynamic text            (d)  None of these

                                    7.  The EPS files can be imported from programs like ................ and Illustrator.
                                       (  a)  TrueType                (b)  FreeHand
                                       (  c)  Fontlab                 (d)  None of these

                                    8.  Links are the pathways between nodes.
                                       (  a)  True                    (b)  False

                                 2.5 summary

                                    •  Text in multimedia is combined with other types of media such as video, graphics,
                                      photography, animation and sounds.
                                    •  The size of a text is usually measured in points.

                                    •  Text is an essential factor of many multimedia titles.

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