P. 8

Multimedia Systems

                   notes         be considered a “multimedia presentation.” Educational software that involves animations,
                                 sound, and text is called “multimedia software.” The CDs and DVDs are often considered to be
                                 “multimedia formats” since they can store a lot of data and most forms of multimedia require a
                                 lot of disk space.
                                 1.1.1 Categories of Multimedia

                                 Multimedia may be broadly divided into linear and non-linear categories. Linear active content
                                 progresses without any navigation control for the viewer such as a cinema presentation. Non-
                                 linear content offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game or used in
                                 self-paced computer based training. Non-linear content is also known as hypermedia content.
                                 Multimedia presentations can be live or recorded. A recorded presentation may allow interactivity
                                 via a navigation system. A live multimedia presentation may allow interactivity via interaction
                                 with the presenter or performer.

                                 1.1.2 features of Multimedia
                                 Multimedia presentations may be viewed in person on stage, projected, transmitted, or played
                                 locally with a media player. A broadcast may be a live or recorded multimedia presentation.
                                 Broadcasts and recordings can be either analog or digital electronic media technology. Digital
                                 online multimedia may be downloaded or streamed. Streaming multimedia may be live or on-
                                 Multimedia games and simulations may be used in a physical environment with special effects,
                                 with multiple users in an online network, or locally with an offline computer, game system, or
                                 Enhanced levels of interactivity are made possible by combining multiple forms of media
                                 content. But depending on what multimedia content you have, it may vary online. Multimedia is
                                 increasingly becoming object-oriented and data-driven, enabling applications with collaborative
                                 end-user innovation and personalization on multiple forms of content over time. Examples of
                                 these range from multiple forms of content on websites like photo galleries with both images
                                 (pictures) and title (text) user-updated, to simulations whose co-efficient, events, illustrations,
                                 animations or videos are modifiable, allowing the multimedia “experience” to be altered without

                                                In Europe, the reference organization for Multimedia industry is the European
                                                Multimedia Associations Convention (EMMAC).

                                 1.1.3 applications of Multimedia
                                 Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to, advertisements,
                                 art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, scientific research
                                 and spatial, temporal applications.

                                 A few application areas of multimedia are listed below:
                                 Creative industries

                                 Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes ranging from fine arts, to entertainment,
                                 to commercial art, to journalism, to media and software services provided for any of the industries
                                 listed below. An individual multimedia designer may cover the spectrum throughout their career,
                                 request for their skills range from technical to analytical and to creative.

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