P. 150

Unit 9: The File System

          portrayed as being above all other. It is the highest place you can go to. Beneath it are almost   Notes
          always only directories:
          ~$ cd /
          ~$ ls -F
          bin/     home/     opt/      srv/     var/
          boot/    lib/      proc/     sys/
          dev/     media/    root/     tmp/
          etc/     mnt/      sbin/     usr/
          The ls -F commands displays the content of the root location. However, it  appends an additional
          character to special files. For instance, it appends a “/” to directories, an “@” to symbolic links
          and a “*” to executable files. The benefit is that you can easily see what type of files you have.
          A popular method of representing the file system is through a tree.

                 Example: An example would be for the top level:

          +- bin/
          +- boot/
          +- dev/
          +- etc/
          +- home/
          +- lib/
          +- media/
          +- mnt/
          +- opt/
          +- proc/
          +- root/
          +- sbin/
          +- srv/
          +- sys/
          +- tmp/
          +- usr/
          `- var/
          This is to note that he more you descend, the larger the tree becomes and it will soon be too
          difficult to put it on a single view. Still, the tree format is a good method of presenting the file
          system as it shows exactly how the file system looks like.
          +- bin/
          +- ...
          +- home/
          |  +- thomas/
          |  |  +- Documents/

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