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P. 33

Unit 2: Language Basics

            /*                                                                                    Notes
             December 20091


            /* */ delimiters are used to provide C style comments in PHP.
            // PHP code

            The <?php and ?> delimiters are used to delimit PHP code in a file.
            A keyword is a reserved word in the PHP programming language. Keywords are used to perform
            a specific task in the computer program. For example, print a value, do repetitive tasks or perform
            logical operations. A programmer cannot use a keyword as an ordinary variable.

            The following is a list of PHP keywords:
            abstract       and             array()        as               break
            case            catch           class           clone          const
            continue       declare         default        do              else
            elseif          enddeclare      endfor         endforeach     endif

            endswitch      endwhile        extends        final           for
            foreach        function        global         goto            if
            implements     interface       instanceof     namespace      new
            or               private         protected      public         static
            switch         throw           try              use             var
            while          xor
            The following is a list of PHP compile time constants.

            __CLASS__    __DIR__       __FILE__    __FUNCTION__
            __METHOD__   __NAMESPACE__
            Next we have other language constructs.

             die()          echo()        empty()   exit()  eval()
             include()      include_once()  isset()  list()  require()
             require_once()  return()     print()   unset()

            2.2 Data Types

            A data type refers to the type of data that a variable can store. PHP has eight different data types
            you can work with. These are:
               •  Integer numbers
               •  Floating point numbers

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