Page 6 - DCAP504_Computer Graphics
P. 6


                                                   Computer Graphics

            Objectives: This course provides an introduction to the principles of computer graphics. In particular, the course will consider
            methods for modelling 3-dimensional objects and efficiently generating photorealistic renderings on colour raster graphics
            devices. The emphasis of the course will  be placed  on understanding how the various elements that underlie  computer
            graphics  (algebra, geometry,  algorithms and  data structures, optics, and photometry) interact  in the  design of  graphics
            software systems.
               S. No.                                         Description
                1.     Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: Image Files, Image Processing and User Interface, Overview of Image
                       Representation, Color Models, Direct Coding, Lookup Table, Setting the Color Attributes of Pixels, Mandelbrot
                       Set, Julia Set
                2.     Overview of Graphics I/O Devices: Input Devices, Output Devices, Printers and Projectors, Image Persistence,
                       Resolution, Frame Buffer, Logical Functioning of I/O Devices
                3.     Scan Conversion: Mechanisms and Methods, Line, Circles, Ellipses, Polygons, Region Filling, Glyph, Aliasing
                       and Antialiasing, Arcs and Sectors
                4.     2-D Transformation: Transformation Matrix, Homogenous Co-ordinate System, Composing and Inverting
                       Transformation, Affine Transformation
                5.     2-D Viewing: Concept of Window and Viewport, Window-to-Viewport Mapping, Graphic Pipeline, Panning
                       and Zooming
                6.     3-D in Computer Graphics: 3-D Representation, 3-D Transformation, 3-D Viewing
                7.     Clipping: Overview of Clipping, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Projection
                8.     Hidden Surfaces: Z-Buffer, Binary Space Partitioning, Painter’s Algorithm, Warnock Algorithm, Ray tracing Vs.
                       Rasterization, Determination, Removal
                9.     Color and Shading Model: Light and Color, Phong Model, Interpolative Shading Methods
                10.     Advanced Computer Graphics: Texturing, Ray Tracing, Morphing, Animation, Additional Visual Effects
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