P. 4


                                                     System Software

            Objectives: To enable the student to understand the technicalities of system software. Student will learn various components
            of programming  system, they  can design  their own  assemblers,  linker  and loader. This course  will also  help them  to
            understand of formal systems.
              Sr. No.                                         Description
              1.      Introduction  to  System  Software:  Definition,  System  software,  Machine  structure,  Components  of  a
                      programming system, Assemblers, linker, loader, compiler, Macros.
                      Evolution  of  Operating  System:  Operating  system  architecture,  User  function  of  operating  system,  Batch
                      control language, OS User Viewpoint: Facilities
                      Note: Students should be allocated programs which can simulate the working of system programs and can be
                      implemented using C / C++ programming.
              2.      Machine Structure and Assemblers Basic Functions: Machine structure, Approach to new machine, Machine
                      language, Assembly language
              3.      Design  of  Assembler:  Design  of  assembler,  Data  structure,  Format  of  databases,  Algorithm,  Look  for
                      modularity. Table processing: Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting, Hash Searching
              4.      Macro Language: Macro instructions, Features, Implementation
              5.      Introduction  to  Linking  &  Loading:  Loader  Schemes  –  Compile  and  Go  Loaders,  General  loader  scheme,
                      Absolute  Loaders,  Subroutine  linkage,  Relocating  loaders,  Direct  linking  loaders,  Other  loader  schemes  –
                      Binders, Linkers, Loaders, Overlays, Dynamic Binders
              6.      Design of Absolute Loader: Design of Direct-linking loader, Problem specification, Data structures, Format of
                      Note: Students should be allocated programs which can simulate the working of system programs and can be
                      implemented using C / C++ programming.
              7.      Programming  Languages  Concept:  Importance  of  high  level  languages,  Features,  Data  types  and  Data
                      structure, Storage allocation, Accessing of pointers and label variables
              8.      Programming  Languages  Concept:  Functional,  modularity,  Asynchronous  operation  –  conditions,  signals,
              9.      Formal  Systems  and  Programming  Languages:  Uses  of  formal  systems  in  programming  languages,  Formal
                      Specification, Formal Grammars
              10.     Formal Systems: Hierarchy of Languages, Backus-Naur Form – Backus Normal Form – BNF, Canonic systems
                      – Syntax specification, Specification of translation, Recognition and translation algorithm, Canonic systems and
                      Formal systems
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