P. 16

Windows Programming

                    Notes          Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   8.  To write programs that are precisely like the inventors of MFC or OWL figured out you
                                       would,  and  you  don’t  care  regarding  the  overhead,  then  using  class  libraries  and
                                       ........................ is the method to go.
                                   9.  A ........................ function is called by Windows to process messages for the application.

                                   1.6 The Structure of a Windows Program

                                   For a negligible Windows  program that just utilizes the Windows  API, you will write  two
                                   functions. These are a WinMain() function, where execution of the program starts and basic
                                   program initialization is performed, and a WindowProc() function that is called by Windows to
                                   process messages for the application. The WindowProc() part of a Windows program is typically
                                   the larger portion since this is where most of the application-specific code is, reacting to messages
                                   caused by user input of one type or another.

                                     Notes  Even though these two functions make up an absolute program, they are not directly
                                     associated. WinMain() does not call WindowProc(), Windows does. Actually, Windows
                                     also calls WinMain().

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