P. 59
Unit 4: Windows Controls
The Cancel caption is functional on a button whose parent (the dialog box) would ask a question Notes
or request a follow-up action from the user. A Cancel button is also simple to make by just
adding a button to a dialog box and choosing IDCANCEL as its identifier in the ID combo box.
Setting a button’s identifier to IDCANCEL also permits the user to press Esc to dismiss the
dialog box.
The scenarios illustrated for the OK and the Cancel buttons are made probable only if the
compiler is able to make sure or validate the changes completed on a dialog box. To make this
validation probable, in your class, you must overload the CWnd::DoDataExchange() member
function. Its syntax is:
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);
This member function is utilized internally by the application (the framework) to discover if
data on a dialog box has been changed as the object was displayed. This member function does
two things: It makes sure the exchange of data among controls and it authenticates the values of
those controls. In realism, it does not intrinsically perform data validation, meaning it would
not permit or disallow value on a control. Rather, the compiler uses it to generate a table of the
controls on the dialog box, their variables and values, permitting other controls to refer to it for
data exchange and validation. If you want to discover the data a user would have typed or
chosen in a control, you would have to write the essential code.
4.5.5 Processing
Button Control Messages
The most usual action users carry out on a button is to click it. When a user does this, the button
sends a BN_CLICKED message. In some but rare situations, you may also ask the user to
double-click a button. In general, you will take care of most message handling when the user
clicks a button. There are other messages that you can manage through a button.
To close a dialog box, you can utilize the Win32 API’s PostQuitMessage() function. Its syntax is:
VOID PostQuitMessage(int nExitCode);
This function takes one argument, which is an integer. The argument could be set to approximately
any integer value even though it should be WM_QUIT.
Example: Here is an example:
void CDialog5Dlg::OnBtnClose()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
Even though the MFC library offers enough messages related with the various controls, in some
situation you will need use a message that is not necessarily connected with the control. In such
a case, you can call the CWnd::SendMessage() member function. Its syntax is:
LRESULT SendMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
The first argument of this member function can be a Win32 message or constant.