P. 64

Windows Programming

                    Notes                                    use   the   BS_OWNERDRAW   button   style   and   the
                                                             DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure for this task. The parent window of
                                                             the button obtains the BN_PUSHED notification code through the
                                   BN_SETFOCUS               Sent when a  button obtains   the  keyboard focus. The button must
                                                             have the BS_NOTIFY style to send this notification code. The parent
                                                             window of the button obtains the BN_SETFOCUS notification code
                                                             through the WM_COMMAND message.
                                   BN_UNHILITE               Sent when  the highlight  should be  removed  from  a  button.  This
                                                             notification  code  is  provided  only  for  compatibility with  16-bit
                                                             versions of Windows earlier than version 3.0. Applications should
                                                             utilize  the  BS_OWNERDRAW  button  style  and  the
                                                             DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure for this task. The parent window of
                                                             the  button  obtains the  BN_UNHILITE notification  code  via  the
                                                             WM_COMMAND  message.

                                   BN_UNPUSHED               Sent  when  the  push  state  of  a  button  is  set  to  unpushed.  This
                                                             notification  code  is  provided  only  for  compatibility with  16-bit
                                                             versions of Windows earlier than version 3.0. Applications should
                                                             use   the   BS_OWNERDRAW   button   style   and   the
                                                             DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure for this task. The parent window of
                                                             the button  obtains the  BN_UNPUSHED notification  code via  the
                                                             WM_COMMAND  message.
                                   NM_CUSTOMDRAW  (button)   Informs  the parent window of a button control regarding custom
                                                             draw  operations  on  the  button.  The  button  control  sends  this
                                                             notification code in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
                                   WM_CTLCOLORBTN            The WM_CTLCOLORBTN message is sent to the parent window of
                                                             a button before drawing the button. The parent window can modify
                                                             the  button’s  text  and  background  colors.  However,  only
                                                             owner-drawn buttons react to the parent  window processing  this

                                      Task  Make distinction between BN_CLICKED and BN_DOUBLECLICKED.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   6.  From the user’s point of view, a ................................. is functional when clicked, in which
                                       case the user places the mouse on it and presses one of the mouse’s buttons.
                                   7.  To close a dialog box, you can utilize the Win32 API’s ................................. function.
                                   8.  A notification code ................................. is send when the button is disabled.

                                   4.6 List Boxes

                                   List box is the last standard control which is considered as a handy tool.

                                   4.6.1 Adding  Items

                                   The first thing you’ll desire to do with a listbox is add items to it.
                                   int  index  =  SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,  IDC_LIST,  LB_ADDSTRING,  0,  (LPARAM)”Hi

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