P. 11

Unit 1: The .Net Framework

          <TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>                                                           Notes
          <!-- Written by me -->
          <!-- Created:  yesterday -->

          <!-- Last modified:  today -->
          This is where the text goes.

          The TITLE Tag

          The title of the page must be placed within the head section. The beginning of the title is marked
          by the <TITLE> tag, and the end with the </TITLE> tag. Most browsers display the title on the
          top portion of the frame of the page. Some browsers give the user the option to hide the display
          of the title. Many browsers also display the title of the document in the document title field, and
          use the title as the bookmark listing.
          Titles should be short, but descriptive, and limited to one line, so they can fit within the frame
          of the page. You should avoid accentuation within the title because it is the window manager,
          and not the browser, that interprets the title. Some window managers do not support accents.
          <TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>

          <!-- Written by me -->
          <!-- Created:  yesterday -->
          <!-- Last modified:  today -->
          This is where the text goes.

          The Comment Tag

          The comment tag is different from the other tags for the following reasons. It can be placed
          anywhere in the HTML file; inside the head section, inside the body section, or in between the
          head and the body. It does not end with a /. It starts with an <!-- and ends with an -->.

          It is always a good idea to put comments into your source code. In this simple example the
          comments state who is the author, the creation date of the document and the date of most recent

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