P. 13

Unit 1: Introduction to System Simulation

            is to select a goal position that is some distance forward of the vehicle on the path. Pure pursuit  Notes
            is a type of pursuit curve used in aerial combat in which an aircraft pursues another aircraft by
            pointing its nose directly towards it. This is in contrast with lead pursuit, in which the chasing
            aircraft points ahead of the aircraft it is following (typically used when attempting a gun attack)
            and lag pursuit, in which the chasing aircraft points behind the aircraft it is following (typically
            used when attempting a rear-aspect  missile attack. The name pure pursuit occurs from the
            resemblance that we use to portray the method. We have a tendency to think of the vehicle as
            chasing a point on the path some distance ahead of it - it is chasing that moving point. That
            analogy is frequently used to evaluate this method to the manner in which humans drives. We
            have a propensity to look some distance in front of the car and head in the direction of that spot.
            This look ahead distance varies as we drive to reflect the twist of the road and visualization

            Pursuit Algorilthm

            The execution of the pure pursuit algorithm itself is quite simple. The pure pursuit algorithm
            can be summarized as below:

            1.   Establish the current location of the vehicle.
            2.   Locate the path point closest to the vehicle.
            3.   Locate the goal point

            4.   Convert the goal pole to vehicle coordinates.
            5.   Compute the curvature and appeal the vehicle to set the routing to that curvature.
            6.   Update the vehicle’s location.
            1.   Establish the current location of the vehicle. Both the HMMWV and NavLab have a central
                 vehicle organizer that offers functions which account the vehicle’s current location as
                 (x,y,heading). The position is reposed with respect to the vehicle’s location at initialization
                 time. This original location is the global reference frame for the run.
            2.   Locate the path point closest to the vehicle. In the geometric origin it was confirmed that
                 the goal point would be inside one look ahead distane of the vehicle. It is probable that
                 there are numerous points one look ahead distance from the vehicle’s existing location.
                 The vehicle should steer toward the closest point one look ahead distance from its existing
                 location. So, the path point closest to the vehicle will first be establish, and the search for
                 a point 1 lookahead distance away from the vehicle will start at this point and initiate up
                 the path.
            3.   Locate the goal point. The goal point is set up by moving up the path and computing the
                 distance between that path point and the vehicle’s existing location. Path point positions
                 are recorded in the global frame; this computation is done in worldwide coordinates.

            4.   Convert the goal point to vehicle coordinates. Once the goal point has been establish, it
                 must be converted to the vehicle’s local coordinates. The derivation for the curvature was
                 performed in vehicle coordinates and curvature commands to the vehicle make sense in
                 vehicle. coordinates.
            5.   Compute the  curvature. Using  the  curvature equation,  compute  the  desired  vehicle
                 curvature. The curvature is converted into steering wheel angle by the vehicle’s on board

            6.   Update the vehicle’s location. During simulation, it is essential to determine what effects
                 the command has upon the vehicle’s location and heading.

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