P. 16

Simulation and Modelling

                      Notes         1000  FORMAT (l0X, 16H TARGET ESCAPED) STOP
                                    (Note that since Fortran does not permit 0 as an index we had to set T = 1 to correspond to t = 0
                                    in the flowchart.)
                                    The output of this program for the specified data is as fol1ows:
                                    CAUGHT AT 10 MTS AND 2.969 KMS

                                    By simulation you are able to make the computer go through the instant-to-instant predictions
                                    for as many instants as you required. This was possible only because we knew the basic process
                                    involved, namely, how the fighter plane behaves at any particular instant. Such knowledge of
                                    the basic process of the system under study is essential for all simulation experiments.
                                    The simple strategy, of fighter redirecting himself toward the bomber at fixed intervals of time,
                                    while the target goes on its predetermined path without making any effort to escape the fighter,
                                    is called pure pursuit. Although in many situations, the strategy used by the fighter (pursuer) is
                                    more sophisticated, this basic approach can be used for any pursuit problem.

                                    1.3 System and its Model

                                    1.3.1 Definitions of Systems and Models

                                    Systems are  often visualized  or modeled as component blocks that have connections  drawn
                                    between them. For example, the illustration below describes the interception of solar radiation
                                    by the Earth. In this system, the Earth and Sun, the parts or component blocks, are represented by
                                    two colored circles of different size. The process of solar emission and the interception of the
                                    Sun’s emitted radiation by the Earth (the connection) is illustrated by the drawn lines.

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