P. 265
Unit 13: FTP Server
13.10 review Questions notes
1. Explain the File Transfer protocol. Explain with an diagram.
2. What is the processor to install the FTP server?
3. Discuss the configuration FTP server.
4. Explain the main features of vsftpd.
5. “File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a robust.” Explain
6. In your opinion File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers are one of the oldest and most reliable
methods of file sharing between computers. Why or why not?
7. How can we Installing and setting up vsftp in a Linux environment?
8. Explain what are the different types of programs used in FTP?
9. What is the processor to access the graphical clients?
10. “The most common use for FTP is to download files from the Internet”. Comment
answers: self assessment
1. Vsftpd 2. uploading 3. UNIX
4. TCP 5. vsftpd.conf 6. local
7. FTP 8. Anonymous 9. Secure
10. username and password 11. ‘ftp <system-name>’
12. Exchange 13. Sharing 14. server pane 15. compress
13.11 further readings
Books Brian Ward, How Linux Works, No Starch Press.
Christopher Negus, Linux Bible, Wiley.
Dee-Ann LeBlan and Richard K. Blum, Linux for Dummies.
Ellen Siever, Aaron Weber, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love and Arnold Robbins,
Linux in a Nutshell, O’Reilly Media.
Wale Soyinka, Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, McGraw-Hill Osborne
Online links
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