P. 202

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

                    notes          company, the measure is the number of sold units, which are described by the corresponding
                                   location, time, and item type all dimensions are assumed to uniquely determine the measure,
                                   e.g., for the reseller company, the location, time, producer, and item type provide all necessary
                                   information to determine context of a particular number of sold units.
                                   There  are  five  basic  OLAP  commands  that  are  used  to  perform  data  retrieval  from  a  Data
                                   1.   ROLL UP, which is used to navigate to lower levels of details for a given data cube. This
                                       command takes the current data cube (object) and performs a GROUP BY on one of the
                                       dimensions,  e.g.,  given  the  total  number  of  sold  units  by  month,  it  can  provide  sales
                                       summarised by quarter.
                                   2.   DRILL DOWN, which is used to navigate to higher levels of detail. This command is the
                                       opposite of ROLL UP, e.g., given the total number of units sold for an entire continent, it
                                       can provide sales in the U.S.A.
                                   3.   SLICE, which provides a cut through a given data cube. This command enables users to
                                       focus on some specific slice of data inside the cube, e.g., the user may want to look at the
                                       data concerning unit sales only in Mumbai.
                                   4.   DICE, which provides just one cell from the cube (the smallest slice), e.g. it can provide
                                       data concerning the number of sold Canon printers in May 2002 in Lucknow.
                                   5.   PIVOT, which rotates the cube to change the perspective, e.g., the “time item” perspective
                                       may be changed into “time location.”

                                   These commands, in terms of their specification and execution, are usually carried out using
                                   a  point-and-click  interface,  and  therefore  we  do  not  describe  their  syntax.  Instead,  we  give
                                   examples for each of the above OLAP commands.

                                   ROLL UP Command

                                   The ROLL UP allows the user to summarise data into a more general level in hierarchy. For
                                   instance, if the user currently analyses the number of sold CPU units for each month in the first
                                   half of 2002, this command will allows him/her to aggregate this information into the first two
                                   quarters. Using ROLL UP, the view

                                                         figure 10.10: example roLL up command

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