P. 22

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

                    notes            4.   SalesDayPart  Cube.  Contains  sales  amounts  and  counts  at  15  minute  intervals.
                                          In addition to the standard analysis parameters, the data in this cube can also be
                                          analyzed by calendar year, month and week, and by eight-hour, four-hour, two-
                                          hour,  one-hour  and  15  minute  intervals,  or  by  specific  meal  (e.g.,  lunch,  dinner,
                                          breakfast, between-meals, etc.).
                                     5.   SalesOps  Cube.  Contains  daily  sales  summary  for  each  store.  In  addition  to  the
                                          standard analysis parameters, this data can also be sliced and diced by a comparable
                                          indicator, by calendar year, month and week, and by pricing tier. Gross sales, taxable
                                          sales, non-tax sales, manual over/under, deletions, labor, cash over/short, deposits
                                          and average check are available.
                                     Many amounts can be viewed optionally as variances, as a percent of sales, or summarized
                                     as  week-to-date,  period-to-date,  year-to-date,  or  rolling  52-week  amountsReportCard
                                     Cube. Contains the daily report card amounts. Some of these are also in the SalesOps cube.
                                     In addition, the Report Card contains speed-of-service and peak -hour information.

                                     The data structure implemented for Summerwood allows them to maintain several distinct
                                     organizational  structures  in  order  to  properly  represent  each  store  in  (1)  the  corporate
                                     structure, i.e. the subsidiary to which they belong, (2) the operations structure, i.e. the zone/
                                     area and (3) the concept structure, i.e., KFC, TB-PH (a Taco Bell – Pizza Hut combination
                                     restaurant), etc.
                                     The Summerwood data warehouse and the resulting OLAP cubes permit investigation
                                     along any of these corporate hierarchies – i.e., by operating company, by zone or area, or by
                                     brand or concept. This permits comparisons between concepts, say, or of all stores within
                                     a concept. Similarly, it is easy to do area-toareacomparisons, or zone-to-zone comparisons,
                                     or to view the performance of all stores within an area.
                                     The data warehouse also supports a time dimension based on the 13 period calendar under
                                     which Summerwood operates. This calendar has been built into the warehouse, permitting
                                     easy comparison of any period to the prior period or to the same period in a prior year.
                                     Instead of comparing at the period level, comparisons and trends can be done at quarterly
                                     or annual levels. Lower level examination is also possible, e.g., comparing week -to-week
                                     or even day-to-day.

                                     The PL and BS cubes contain the full Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet statements for each
                                     period during the last five years (65 periods in all), down to the account level. This makes
                                     it easy for Summerwood to evaluate trends in any expense category, comparing store-to-
                                     store, period-to-period, zone-to-zone, or concept-to-concept.
                                     The SalesOps and SalesMix cubes are updated overnight and contain up-to-the-minute
                                     (through yesterday) information captured by the cash registers (POS) in each store. This
                                     enables managers to evaluate and compare trends in speed of service, labor usage, over/
                                     under rings, employee food purchases, etc., by store, zone, area, concept, subsidiary, etc.
                                     Because sales and counts are recorded in 15-minute intervals, called day parts, managers
                                     can use this to find strange sales patterns, possibly suggestive of employee theft, during
                                     the midnight hours.

                                   1.9 summary

                                   l z  Data warehousing is the consolidation of data from disparate data sources into a single
                                       target database to be utilized for analysis and reporting purposes.
                                   l z  The  primary  goal  of  data  warehousing  is  to  analyze  the  data  for  business  intelligence
                                       purposes. For example, an insurance company might create a data warehouse to capture
                                       policy data for catastrophe exposure.

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