P. 128
Unit 6: Binary Search Tree and AVL Trees
which we normally draw: Notes
L 6
1 9
0 2 8 11
Finally, let us consider the only remaining case: how to delete a node having two subtrees. For
example, how to delete `6’? We’d like to do this with minimum amount of work and disruption
to the structure of the tree.
The standard solution is based on this idea: we leave the node containing `6’ exactly where it is,
but we get rid of the value 6 and find another value to store in the `6’ node. This value is taken
from a node below the `6’s node, and it is that node that is actually removed from the tree.
So, here is the plan. Starting with:
L 6
3 9
1 8 11
0 2
Erase 6, but keep its node:
L ?
3 9
1 8 11
0 2
Now, what value can we move into the vacated node and have a binary search tree? Well, here’s
how to figure it out. If we choose value X, then:
1. Everything in the left subtree must be smaller than X.
2. Everything in the right subtree must be bigger than X.
Let’s suppose we’re going to get X from the left subtree. (2) is guaranteed because everything in
the left subtree is smaller than everything in the right subtree. What about (1)? If X is coming from
the left subtree, (1) says that there is a unique choice for X - we must choose X to be the largest
value in the left subtree. In our example, 3 is the largest value in the left subtree. So if we put 3 in
the vacated node and delete it from its current position we will have a BST with 6 deleted.