P. 185

Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms

                                         Example: Here is a portion of a B-tree with order 2 (nodes have at least 2 keys and 3
                                   pointers). Nodes are delimited with [square brackets]. The keys are city names, and are kept
                                   sorted in each node. On either side of every key are pointers linking the key to subsequent
                                              Start here
                                              [ Chicago Hoboken ]
                                               |       |       |
                                   +-----------+       |       +------------+
                                   |                   |                    |
                                   v                   v                    v
                                   [ Aptos Boston ]    [ Denver Detroit ]   [ San-Jose Seattle ]
                                    |     |      |      |      |       |     |        |       |
                                    v     v      v      v      v       v     v        v       v

                                   To find the key “Dallas”, we begin searching at the top “root” node. “Dallas” is not in the node
                                   but sorts between “Chicago” and “Hoboken”, so we follow the middle pointer to the next node.
                                   Again, “Dallas” is not in the node but sorts before “Denver”, so we follow that node’s  fi rst
                                   pointer down to the next node (marked with an “X”). Eventually, we will either locate the key, or
                                   encounter a “leaf” node at the bottom level of the B-tree with no pointers to any lower nodes and
                                   without the key we want, indicating the key is nowhere in the B-tree.
                                   Below is another fragment of an order 1 B-tree (nodes have at least 1 key and 2 pointers). Searching

                                   for the key “Chicago” begins at “Marin”, follows the first pointer to “Aptos” (since Chicago sorts
                                   before Marin), then follows that node’s second pointer down to the next level (since Chicago sorts
                                   after Aptos), as marked with an “X”.
                                         [ Marin ]
                                          |     |
                                       +--+     +---+
                                       |            |
                                       v            v
                                   [ Aptos ]   [ Seattle ]
                                    |     |     |       |
                                    v     v     v       v
                                   Searching a B-tree for a key always begins at the root node and follows pointers from node to
                                   node until either the key is located or the search fails because a leaf node is reached and there are
                                   no more pointers to follow.
                                   B-trees grow when new keys are inserted. Since the root node initially begins with just one key,
                                   the root node is a special exception and the only node allowed to have less than n keys in an order
                                   n B-tree.
                                   Here is an order 2 B-tree with integer keys. Except for the special root node, order 2 requires
                                   every node to have from 2 to 4 keys and 3 to 5 pointers. Empty slots are marked with “.”,
                                   showing where future keys have not yet been stored in the nodes:
                                                          [ 57 . . .]
                                                           |  |
                                           +---------------+  +---------------------+
                                           |                                        |
                                           v                                        v
                                           [ 14 40 . .]                             [ 72 84 . .]
                                            |  |  |                                  |  |  |
                                   +--------+  |  +----------+            +----------+  |  +-----------+
                                   |           |             |            |             |              |
                                   v           v             v            v             v              v
                                   [01 12 . .] [15 16 17 .]  [47 56 . .]  [58 60 61 .]  [74 75 76 78] [85 86 99 .]

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