P. 292

Unit 14: Network Flows

          Algorithm                                                                             Notes

          Let G = (V, E) which is represented by an adjacency list Adj. Some support data structures:
          1.   F is the forest — a set of all (partial) trees.

          2.   MST is the minimum spanning tree, represented by a set of edges.
          3.   Q is a priority queue of edges.


          1.   Let F be a set of singleton set of all vertices in G.
          2.   MST <- {}

          3.   Q <- E
          4.   while Q not empty do
          5.   (u, v) <- ExtractMin(Q) // Q is modifi ed
          6.   if FIND-SET(u) != FIND-SET(v) then // FIND-SET(i) returns the set in F
                                        // which vertex i belongs to.
                      // This effectively does cycle check.
                                   // If ACCEPTED,
          7.   begin
          8.   merge(FIND-SET(u),FIND-SET(v)) in F

          9.   MST <- MST Union {(u, v)}
          10.  end
          11.  return MST.

          Proof of Correctness

          Let P be a connected, weighted graph and let Y be the subgraph of P produced by the algorithm.
          Y cannot have a cycle, since the last edge added to that cycle would have been within one subtree

          and not between two different trees. Y cannot be disconnected, since the first encountered edge
          that joins two components of Y would have been added by the algorithm. Thus, Y is a spanning
          tree of P.
          It remains to show that the spanning tree Y is minimal:
          Let Y  be a minimum spanning tree. If Y = Y  then Y is a minimum spanning tree. Otherwise, let e
              1                              1

          be the first edge considered by the algorithm that is in Y but not in Y . Y  U e has a cycle, because
          you cannot add an edge to a spanning tree and still have a tree. This cycle contains another edge
          f which at the stage of the algorithm where e is added to Y, has not been considered. This is
          because otherwise e would not connect different trees but two branches of the same tree. Then Y
          =  Y  U e/f is also a spanning tree.
          Its total weight is less than or equal to the total weight of Y . This is because the algorithm visits
          e before f and therefore w(e) £ w(f) . If the weights are equal, we consider the next edge e which
          is in Y but not in Y . If there is no edge left, the weight of Y is equal to the weight of Y  although
          they consist of a different edge set and Y is also a minimum spanning tree.

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