P. 4

                                     Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms

          Objectives:  To equip the students with the skills to analyze,  design,  program, and select the appropriate advanced  data
          structures required to solve real world problems.

       Sr. No.                                                 Topics
          1.     List: Abstract data types, list adts:array implementation, linked list ,common errors, doubly
                 linked list, circularly linked list, cursor implementation of linked list.

          2.     Stack: Stack model, implementation of stacks, applications; queues: queue model, array
                 implementation, applications.
          3.     Trees: Binary trees, binary search trees, avl trees.
          4.     Splay trees, b-trees.
          5.     Hashing: Hash functions, open hashing, closed hashing, rehashing.

          6.     Heaps: Binary heaps, applications, d-heaps.
          7.     Leftist heaps, skew heaps, binomial queues
          8.     Sorting: insertion sort, shell sort, heap sort , Merge sort, quick sort, bucket sort, external sort

          9.     Graphs: Shortest path algorithms.
         10      Network flow problem, minimum spanning tree
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