P. 6

Anil Sharma, Lovely Professional University
                                                                       Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structure and Arrays

                 Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structure and Arrays                              Notes


             1.1   Abstract Data Type (ADT)
             1.2  Definition of Data Structure

             1.3   Data Structure Operations

             1.4   Implementation of Data Structure
             1.5  List ADT’s
                 1.5.1  ADT of Singly Linked Lists
                 1.5.2  Implementation

             1.6  Arrays Implementation
                 1.6.1  Array
                 1.6.2  Index or Subscript
                 1.6.3  Dimensions of an Array
             1.7  Summary

             1.8  Keywords
             1.9  Self Assessment
             1.10 Review Questions
             1.11 Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:
          z    Realise basic concept of data
          z    Describe Abstract Data Type (ADT)

          z    Define data structure
          z    Know data structure types


          As Static representation of linear ordered list through Array leads to wastage of memory and in

          some cases overflows. Now we don’t want to assign memory to any linear list in advance instead
          we want to allocate memory to elements as they are inserted in list. This requires Dynamic
          Allocation of memory.
          Semantically data can exist in either of the two forms – atomic or structured. In most of the
          programming problems data to be read, processed and written are often related to each other.
          Data items are related in a variety of different ways. Whereas the basic data types such as

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