P. 11

Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms

                    Notes          we must  find some way of representing the ADTs in terms of the data types and operators

                                   supported by the programming language itself. To represent the mathematical model underlying
                                   an ADT, we use data structures, which are a collection of variables, possibly of several data types,
                                   connected in various ways.
                                   The cell is the basic building block of data structures. We can picture a cell as a box that is capable
                                   of holding a value drawn from some basic or composite data type. Data structures are created
                                   by giving names to aggregates of cells and (optionally) interpreting the values of some cells as
                                   representing relationships or connections (e.g., pointers) among cells.

                                       Task  Value definition is a one part of ADT the second one is

                                   1.2 Definition of Data Structure

                                   A data structure is a set of data values along with the relationship between the data values. Since,
                                   the operations that can be performed on the data values depend on what kind of relationships
                                   exists among them, we can specify the relationship amongst the data values by specifying the
                                   operations permitted on the data values. Therefore, we can say that a data structure is a set
                                   of values along with the set of operations permitted on them. It is also required to specify the
                                   semantics of the operations permitted on the data values, and this is done by using a set of
                                   axioms, which describes how these operations work, and therefore a data structure is made of:

                                   1.   A set of data values.
                                   2.   A set of functions specifying the operations permitted on the data values.
                                   3.   A set of axioms describing how these operations work.
                                   Hence, we conclude that a data structure is a triple (D,F,A), where

                                   1.   D is a set of data values
                                   2.   F is a set of functions
                                   3.   A is a set of axioms
                                   A triple (D, F, A) is referred to as an abstract data structure because it does not tell anything about
                                   its actual implementation. It does not tell anything about how these values will be physically
                                   represented in the computer memory and these functions will be actually implemented.
                                   Therefore every abstract data structure is required to be implemented, and the implementation
                                   of an abstract data structure requires mapping of the abstract data structure to be implemented
                                   into the data structure supported by the computer. For example, if the abstract data structure
                                   to be implemented is integer, then it can be implemented by mapping into bits which is a data
                                   structure supported by hardware. This requires that every integer data value is to be represented
                                   using suitable bit patterns and expressing the operations on integer data values in terms of
                                   operations for manipulating bits.

                                   Data Structure mainly two types:
                                   1.   Linear type data structure
                                   2.   Non-linear type data structure
                                   Linear data structure: A linear data structure traverses the data elements sequentially, in which
                                   only one data element can directly be reached. Ex: Arrays, Linked Lists.

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