P. 135

Real Time Systems

                    Notes          8.  One of the features of the ……………… time is that  it is not a continuous function  of
                                       system parameters.
                                   9.  ……………… often require that the worst-case response times  do not  exceed a given
                                   10.  One of the most intuitive policies consists of assigning ……………… to the tasks, so that at
                                       each instant in time the resource is gr anted to the highest priority task requiring it at that


                                     Case Study  Simulation-based Multi-pass Scheduling

                                              ulti-pass approach is one methodology for rule selection which is to combine a
                                              rule-based expert  system to  select several  scheduling rules in a  real-time
                                     Menvironment through the test which scheduling rule is the best. Wu and Wysk
                                     developed a simulator control mechanism that evaluates the candidate dispatching rules
                                     and uses various criteria to select the best control strategy for a given time period. Wu and
                                     Wysk presented an MPS algorithm that includes a mechanism controller and a flexible
                                     simulator. MPS algorithms are defined as scheduling algorithms that solve the scheduling
                                     problem of selecting the best dispatching rule  among a set of rules. Combinations  of
                                     dispatching rules over a system’s production cycle can produce higher throughput than a
                                     single rule alone. Cho and Wysk used neural networks to recommend candidate rules for
                                     MPS, used inductive learning and genetic algorithms to build the relationship between
                                     shop conditions and rules; some modified techniques using neural networks and production
                                     rules have also been used for identifying this relationship.

                                     MPS frameworks consist of five components: (1) recommendation of rules for each problem
                                     type, (2) generation of all rule combinations, (3) simulation, (4) evaluation and ranking of
                                     rule combinations and (5) scheduling. Whenever the decision-making rules  need to be
                                     changed, a set of promising rules for resolving each problem type is recommended. A few
                                     different types of scheduling problem may occur during the next scheduling period, so all
                                     rule combinations must be generated, and each must be evaluated using simulation. The
                                     best rule combination is chosen and conveyed to the scheduling component. One method
                                     of MPS uses a nested partitioning (NP) method and an optimal computing budget allocation
                                     (OCBA) method to reduce the computational load without the loss of throughput.
                                     1.   Describe the various approaches of multi-pass scheduling.

                                     2.   Explain the different components of multi-pass scheduling frameworks.

                                   13.3 Summary

                                      Algorithm will schedule in order to fulfil every deadline.
                                      A system of periodic  tasks is  simply periodic if the period of  each task is an  integer
                                       multiple of the period of the other tasks.

                                      Depending on the assigned priority,  a task can have longer or  shorter response  time,
                                       which is the time, elapsed from request of the resource to the completion of the task.

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