Page 19 - DCAP403_Operating System
P. 19

Operating System

                    Notes          5.   API stands for

                                       (a)   Application Process Interface
                                       (b)   Application Process Interchange
                                       (c)   Application Program Interface
                                       (d)   Application Process Interfacing
                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   6.   An operating system is a ........................ .

                                   7.   Programs could generally be debugged via a front panel using ........................ and lights.
                                   8.   The data channel allowed some ........................ to be buffered.
                                   9.   The third generation officially began in April ........................ .

                                   10.   The system’s apparent concurrency was enabled by the multiprogramming ........................

                                   1.9 Review Questions

                                   1.   What is the relation between application software and operating system?
                                   2.   What is an operating system? Is it a hardware or software?
                                   3.   Mention the primary functions of an operating system.
                                   4.  Briefly explain the evolution of the operating system.

                                   5.   What are the key elements of an operating system?

                                   6.   What do you understand by the term computer generations?
                                   7.   Who give the idea of stored program and in which year? Who give the basic structure of

                                   8.   Give the disadvantages of first generation computers over second generation computers.
                                   9.   On which system, the second generation computers based on? What are the new inventions
                                       in the second generation of computers?
                                   10.   Describe the term integrated circuit.

                                   11.   What is the significance of third generation computers?
                                   12.   Give the brief description of fourth generation computers. How the technology is better
                                       than previous generation?

                                   13.   What is the period of fifth generation computers?

                                   14.   What are the differences between hardware and software?
                                   15.   What are the differences between system software and application software?

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.   (b)                  2.  (c)             3. (a)              4. (d)
                                   5.   (c)                  6.  control program   7. switches       8. I/O

                                   9.  1964                 10.  operating system

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