P. 94

Unit 5: Introduction to Linked List

                           Write a simple circular linked list program to accept the elements from the user and
                           store it in a list.

               5.3.4   Circular Doubly-Linked List

               In a circular doubly-linked list, the previous pointer of the first node and the next pointer of the last
               node point to the HEAD node. The HEAD node can have a dummy data or it can store the total number
               of nodes present in the list.
               Figure 5.6 depicts a circular doubly-linked list. The linked list consists of four nodes such as, HEAD
               node, Node1, Node2, and Node3 with values 3, 10, 15 and 20 respectively. Each node has two pointers
               to point to the next and previous elements. The last node (Node3) points to the HEAD node and the
               HEAD node in turn points to the first node (Node1).

                                    Figure 5.6: Representation of a Circular Doubly-
                                                   Linked List

                              The program shows the implementation of a circular doubly-linked list consisting of
                              three  nodes  and a HEAD  node.  The program displays the value present in each

                              struct list
                                   int value;
                                   struct list *next;         //Creating a pointer to point to the next element
                                   struct list *previous;  //Creating a pointer to point to the previous element
                              } n1, n2, n3, h;                       //Creates four nodes of type list

                              void main()
                               int j;

                              n1.value = 10;        //Assigning value to node1
                              n2.value = 15;        //Assigning value to node2
                              n3.value = 20;        //Assigning value to node3
                              h.value = 3;          //Assigning value to HEAD node
                     = &n2;         //Assigning address of node2 to node1
                     = &n3;         //Assigning address of node3 to node2
                     = &h;          //Assigning address of HEAD node to node3
                     = &n1;          //Assigning address of node1 to HEAD node
                              n1.previous = &h;         //Assigning address of node1 to HEAD node
                              n2.previous = &n1;       //Assigning address of node1 to node2
                              n3.previous = &n2;       //Assigning address of node2 to node3

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